Dog, Training

Best Ways To Stop Dogs From Biting – Learn These Tricks

Biting is a very serious behavioral problem with potentially deadly consequences, not just for the people he bites, but also for your dog. If you see this behavior, it’s important that you deal with it immediately, before it escalates and causes serious problems.

Puppy Bites

Puppies love to chew on things when they’re playing, including your hands. Although this behavior might be cute when they’re little, it’s not so adorable when they continue doing it into adulthood. Discourage your puppy from biting you at all times, or you’ll have a much bigger problem on your hands when your playful puppy grows up.

Food Bites

When you hold out a tasty treat, your dog might get carried away snatching it out of your hand and accidentally bite your fingers. This kind of biting is not related to behavioral problems. He’s simply eager for the treat. Resolving this problem could not be easier: Don’t feed your dog treats by hand.

Fight Bites

If you interrupt a dog fight the wrong way, it’s very likely you will get bitten. Unfortunately, this behavior is completely normal in this situation. Engrossed in the altercation, your dog won’t know it’s you he’s biting. It’s not his fault; it’s yours for getting in the way.

The exception to this rule is if your dog purposely bites you during a dog fight. You’ll know he’s doing this if he turns away from the dog with whom he’s fighting and chooses to bite you in order to keep you out of the fight so he can continue attacking the other dog. If this happens, it’s a very serious problem and must be dealt with accordingly.

Nipping at Strangers

To a dog, nipping at a stranger might seem like a perfectly reasonable response to having someone invade his home. Even if the nip doesn’t break the skin, it’s never acceptable. Train your dog to sit and stay when a new person arrives. While he’s learning these skills, crate him when people arrive, and don’t let him out until he’s calm. When he greets your guests properly, reward him with praise and treats.

Serious & Intentional Bites

If your dog attacks and bites without provocation, he has a serious behavioral problem. Don’t try to solve it on your own. Consult a behaviorist immediately to see what can be done about extinguishing the problem. If all your best efforts don’t work, then you may need to euthanize your dog for the safety of yourself and the people around him.

Visit the Vet

If your dog is acting aggressively toward you, take him to the vet for a complete checkup, including a blood test. Dogs can’t tell you when they’re feeling poorly, so they have to rely on nonverbal communication to let you know they’re sick. If there’s an underlying medical cause for your dog’s behavior, treat it as soon as possible. If not, then you know you’re dealing with a behavioral problem.

Watch for Warning Signs

Pay careful attention to your dog’s body language and heed his warnings. If he’s frozen in place, staring at you with flat eyes, raising his hackles, and has adopted a low, crouched posture, keep your distance. He’s telling you he doesn’t want to be messed with, and if you ignore his warnings, you do so at your peril.

What to Do if You Are Bitten

If a dog bite breaks the skin or gives you another minor wound, wash the area thoroughly and douse it with a sterile solution, like Betadine. Bandage the wound and monitor it for signs of infection, which include swelling and reddening of the skin around the bite. If you think the bite is infected, see your doctor immediately for antibiotics.

For more serious bites, especially puncture wounds, go to the ER or an urgent care facility. Don’t wait for the next day, and don’t think that there won’t be a problem if the wound doesn’t look infected. Dog bites are very serious and need to be treated immediately with high doses of antibiotics.

What to Do If Your Dog Bites Someone Else

If your dog bites a visitor in your home, your homeowner’s insurance will pay for liability in the event that the bitten person sues you. However, you should also offer to pay for any medical bills or co-payments, not only because doing so will go far to remedy the situation if the bite is only a minor one, but also because it’s the right thing to do.

If your insurance does not cover dog bites, there’s a good chance that you’ll have to pay a great deal of money in liability and medical fees. The bitten party can also file a report, which will likely result in your dog being quarantined for a specific period of time or, possibly, being euthanized.

Judge the Deed, Not the Breed

A dog’s breed has nothing little to do with his propensity for biting. Any dog has the potential to bite, regardless of his age, breed, or previous behavior. Don’t assume that because you have a small dog or “safe” breed your dog won’t ever bite. Even small dogs can do a lot of damage.

Pit bulls, who receive a lot of media attention when they bite someone, have not been bred to hurt people and won’t do so unless you’ve allowed aggressive behavior to go unchecked. Pit bulls are more vilified because people tend to report it when they bite, due to all the bad press. You seldom read stories about dachshunds or cocker spaniels attacking people, although it happens just as frequently.

Preventing Dog Bites

If you know your dog will bite in certain situations, make sure he’s never exposed to those situations. Keep him crated when guests visit and don’t allow him to interact with strangers at all. Keep him on a leash whenever you’re outside and don’t take him to the dog park. Proactively managing the situation will all but eliminate the problem.